A letter to everyone...

My soul respects your Soul and your perspective of truth... But hey sincerely Thank you for what you think of me but listen isn't it my soul's journey who is experiencing one of its many lifetimes ? You haven't been in my core's unconditional Love yet, yet you spend your precious moments in speculating through the layers of me that you only see till a part of my whole existence which resonates from your point of experience and depth...? 

I know one's perception is unknowingly binding one to awareness about themselves and we tend to follow our defence system in guiding us towards criticizing people when they showcase their unique beautiful selves...so one prefers to wear a mask just to protect themselves and which keeps them from believing that they are loved. Also on this journey we need to observe without a perspective that- that one person who is judging is also coming from a place of trauma where their story wasn't heard when they tried to be their unique selves...so they unknowingly carry on that pattern that needs to break for an evolution of united intelligence.

We all have been through this and only thing we can do is: We can evolve that one person who we lived with the most and that person is US!

We don't necessarily need to opt for the opinion of anyone in regards to our infinite life resonance and journey... Trust your truest unique self & your intuition which truly aligns you towards your beautiful journey ahead..., Yes I know there are some people who believe and want good things for us but the truth is everyone had their own experiences and experiences are different for everyone because they differ due to the perception which comes from the awareness one holds.

Different things resonate with different people. Just because something doesn't resonate with one person doesn't mean it won't connect deeply with another. For example, some people might decline a party invitation because they find joy in solitude, while others feel energized by being in a group. Some love to dance, others prefer to sing, some enjoy reading, while others recharge by spending time alone. On the other hand, some people feel revitalized through social interaction. However, it's important to consider that the feelings, patterns and preferences we experience may sometimes stem from fear, external influences, or past trauma.

We live in a world of 7 billion unique personalities, and psychology does label some of our personalities in their "personality types" but even when we encounter a group of people with the same personality type, each individual will still be unique. Everyone's differences arise from distinct life experiences, varied patterns of behaviour, and perspectives shaped by diverse backgrounds and environmental influences... also different soul journeys.

And whatever conclusion we come to is also personal to us.. But one thing is for sure that if we respect our inner guidance and walk on the path of balance, unconditional love with no fear, social conditioning or judgments, being our truest version we will be Truly Living , we won't be surviving as we go through the abyss of exploration and respecting one another for who they are and where they come from with Unconditional Love.

You are Loved, Safe and Protected!


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